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How To Customize A Notebook With Sublimation

How To Customize A Notebook With Sublimation

Looking for a simple way to start getting inspired for a fresh year? These blank notebooks in particular have a special coating on their front side to hold sublimation transfers on its white polyester surface. By taking advantage of this, you can easily apply your own pattern or vibrant image that leaves for a notebook that’s specifically yours for noting any big plans, or even another’s as a general gift. Available in small, medium, and large sizes, there’s a sublimation notebook available for any purpose that’s on the go, or at the desk. How many pages are inside it you ask? Great question! So as long as you find a notepad matching near the notebook’s size, you can fit just about as many pages as you’d like based on that notepad’s pages.

Applying your own image onto these notebooks is simple. You’ll begin by importing it onto imaging software, then scaling it within the imprint area of the item. By using Sawgrass CreativeStudio included with a Sawgrass printer, you can set a Custom Canvas exactly to the notebook’s imprint area dimensions noted at HeatPressNation.com. Though to ensure that your image doesn’t clip upon application, you can add a quarter-inch to both their width and height as extra bleed. As we’ll be printing for the medium notebook, we’ll set a Custom Canvas of 8-and-a-quarter by 10-and-a-quarter inches. If printing for the large notebook however, you will need at least 8-and-a-half by 14 inch paper to print the full image with extra bleed.

As of this video’s release, you unfortunately won’t be able to save your CreativeStudio project with a custom canvas due to that tool’s limitations. But proceeding with what you’ve created, you may go ahead and print it through your sublimation printer. On Sawgrass CreativeStudio, go to its Print menu and set the following settings: Product to Polyester, Paper set to your paper’s profile, leave Mirror checked, and change the Color Mode to Photographic or Vivid depending on your image’s level of detail. With these settings in, go ahead and click the Print button below. Now that the transfer’s been printed, we’re just about ready to customize a sublimation notebook!

Turn on your heat press and set it to 50 to 60 seconds at 385 degrees Fahrenheit with medium pressure. As soon as your machine reaches temperature, cover the lower platen with a sheet of parchment paper, then add your transfer on top with the printed side up. Now you may place your notebook with its front side facing toward the image, then attach it in place using heat tape. To make this easier, you can flip just the front side of the notebook and position and attach it to your transfer from there. With your notebook prepared, make sure to take out any contents inside it. Then you may flip it with the paper side up, cover it with another parchment paper sheet and press. Once the timer reaches zero, open your machine and allow the items to cool down for a moment. Afterwards, you may quickly peel the transfer out of your notebook and it’s now been sublimated with your very own image!

If you’re interested in sharing your custom notebooks with us, alongside a growing community of heat transfer and customization enthusiasts, feel free to join our HeatPressNation Creators Facebook group at heat.press/FBgroup. But to learn more about sublimation notebooks and other similar blanks, be sure to visit us at HeatPressNation.com. For any questions, you can get in touch with one of our friendly MyExpert representatives at heat.press/support. I’m Travis with Heat Press Nation and have a great day!

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